ESG at Praedium

Praedium is committed to incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices – including diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives – into our business strategy and investment decisions.

As a testament to our commitment to ESG and DEI, Praedium is a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) and is working to incorporate its six principles into our ESG practices. We are additionally a Supporting Donor of the PREA Foundation, which was established to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in the industry, and participated in its summer internship program with Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO). In 2022, we signed the ILPA Diversity in Action initiative. 

Our ESG and DEI practices are led by our ESG and DEI committees, which meet on a regular basis to establish goals and review progress. 

Commitment to ESG and DEI

Praedium is a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment

Praedium is a Supporting Donor of the PREA Foundation and participated in its internship program with Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO)

In 2022, Praedium signed the ILPA Diversity in Action initiative 

Below is a sampling of initiatives implemented at our properties:

Inexpensive & Easily Implemented

  • LED lightbulbs and fixtures
  • Door sweep
  • Green cleaning supplies
  • Bike racks

Upgrade Heating & Cooling Efficiency

  • Insulate pipes and ducts and repair leaks
  • Insulate and air seal building envelopes
  • Energy-efficient windows and doors

Reduce Energy & Water Use

  • Smart irrigation
  • Pool pumps
  • Appliances
  • Bathroom fixtures
  • Water heaters

Smart Home / Tech Appeal

  • Smart thermostats and Dwelo
  • On-site electric car charging